Midtown Caravan Park is only 6km from the town centre, which is 8 minutes drive.
Do You Have A Pool?
Yes, we have a large in-ground swimming pool.
Is Midtown Caravan Park Family Friendly?
Yes. The natural environment surrounding the park village suitable for all ages. We have playground facilities and lots of open space.
Are Pets Allowed?
Yes, Midtown Caravan Park is thrilled to have pets come to stay! So long as guests adhere to the rules of our “Pet Friendly Accommodation”.
Is Smoking Permitted?
Smoking is not permitted inside cabins or under covered areas.
Are There Barbecue Facilities?
Yes, undercover barbecue facilities are provided. They are located at our Camp Kitchen.
Do You Supply Bedding And Linen?
Bedding is supplied for the main queen or double bed. Additional bedding can be provided for any extra beds within your cabin at a cost of $20 per double or $15 per single bed. You are free to bring your own linen for additional beds if you prefer.
Do The Cabins Have A TV?
Yes, all cabins have TVs.
Can I Park My Car At The Cabin?
Absolutely, all cabins have a parking space allocated.
Are Pets Allowed?
Yes, Midtown Caravan Park is thrilled to have pets come to stay! So long as guests adhere to the rules of our “Pet Friendly Accommodation”.